Louisville, Kentucky

Do you have photos everywhere?

Of course you do...we all do! You can't enjoy your
photos if thinking about them creates worry & guilt.

The Photo Mess.

My Mission:

I started 'The Memory Curator' because I believe that each of us has a unique story to tell and a legacy to leave behind. That's why I'm passionate about providing easy-to-use tools that inspire creativity and help you share the important stories of your life. I reject gatekeeping and rules, believing instead in embracing multiple approaches to memory keeping. There's no 'right' way to do it, and you should feel free to preserve memories your own way, without guilt or constraints. My Memory Curator products are designed to bring joy to the process, making the journey of preserving memories as delightful as the memories themselves.

We are committed to helping our clients:

-Honor their past
-Celebrate their present, and
-Create a legacy for the future
The Memory Curator: image of couple with camera

The problem of what to do with ballooning digital photo collections, on the other hand, is perhaps the great unsolved tech support question of the last 30 years.  Hard drives die unpredictably.  CDs & DVDs rot, it turns out. 

John Herrman, New York Times